It’s a one small decision that we choose every day that moves us from point A to point B. ⁣

“I don’t have time.”⁣
“I am really tired.”⁣
“My baby doesn’t sleep through the night.”⁣
“I don’t know if I can do it.”⁣
“My baby is attached to me 24/7″⁣

That’s what I was thinking when I was staring at the mirror.

But I asked myself,

Do I really want to live in this body forever? I have to be honest.

Do I really think that I can just carry the baby up and down the stairs and go for a walk here and there will get me back in shape?⁣

It’s a lie I tell myself, and you shouldn’t either unless you are okay with it. I have 100% faith if you follow a great workout and nutritional program from start to finish, not only does it help you get your energy level up, boost your immune system and most importantly get a great the physical transformation especially the diastasis tummy . ⁣

Can you imagine if you just committed to a program from start to finish by working out 20 to 30 min a day at home, at your own time? ⁣

Follow my entire postpartum journey and how I get rid of my diastasis recti belly, tips, and programs right here on Instagram.

Let me share 3 secrets with you:

1) You Must Practice The Breathing Exercise Every Day in at least one of the four positions: sitting, standing up, lying on the side or lying on your back. You must learn how to engage your deep core muscle

2) You Must Wear a Bottom-Up Belly Wrap. This is crucial especially for new moms or moms with moderate to severe diastasis recti. You want to decrease the pressure going against gravity from any of your daily activities whether it is picking up your toddler, or toys off the floor, carrying heavy grocery or bending over to nurse your baby.

3) You Must Identify The Cause Of Your Abdominal Pressure
Do you notice you have are doming when you bend backward or when you get on and off the bed, or when you sneeze or cough? You must identify what causes you to dom and practice to strengthen the tension.

Join my 5-Day Free Challenge, and I will go over all of these in detail with videos and workouts!


The focus is on the kid’s chair I am sitting. I remember clearly that I was trying to sit on this chair last summer, but there was NO WAY my a$$ would fit in, it would literally collapse if I force.🙄⁣

how to get rid of the mommy pooch

So when one of my mama friends came and visited us, she sat on this chair with EASE, I envied her SO MUCH. Our kids are about the same age, and we were similar sizes and heights before pregnancy.

Why can she sit on the chair and I can’t? ⁣

It was a gut check for me. I could avoid the full-length mirror, I could continue to wear maternity clothes, but deep inside I was not happy, like why am I so fat? ⁣

But I kept telling myself excuses: “I am a mom now I have a slower metabolism.”, “How do I have time and energy to work out with 2 kids with me 24/7.” ” It’s not that bad, it could be worse…”⁣

FORGET IT. The truth is: I was comfortable, I didn’t want to move.

But is being complacent going to get you the result?

I have always envisioned myself with my family at a beach vacation🏖️ wearing a Victoria Secret bathing suit and feeling A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. “What? I’d have never guessed that she is a mom? ”

You know that feeling ? 😎😎⁣

The belly is definitely taking a lot longer than I want it, but it is not going to deter me, and I KNOW I am going to get there.

Pin it, share it on facebook, and Join me on my 5 days Heal Your Diastasis Recti Challenge (if the link is available, it means it is still running!) and start feeling amazing and confident in yourself again.
