I had the pleasure to film a segment with CTV Things to Know TO inside their studio with Nicole and Teddy
CTV is one of Canada’s largest television network. It was surreal to me, with big lights and 3 cameras pointing at me, I was like “which camera am I supposed to look at?”

It was so fun yet nerve wracking for me because I have only had a few TV interview experience and they were all done virtually at home with my own camera.
But this time, I actually stepped inside a studio and talked to the host face to face. I was so nervous. This was probably one of the biggest fear I faced – public speaking with live audience (the crews).
When I am complacent, it’s telling me that it’s time to get out of my comfort zone, and do something that challenge me. It isn’t completely the results that I am after but the process that get there .
It felt so good to be nervous, I know it sounds contradicting

but I know that each time I face fear, I take a leap. The leap into the unknown, the leap that makes me stronger, the leap that I aspire to be.
If you are feeling complacent, I challenge yourself to do something you have never done and let the magic unfolds in front of you.
If you are in GTA area, please feel free to tune in Saturday Things to Know TO at CP24 6:30am, CTV 9:00am and CTV 2 10:00am, they sometimes have replay.
But here is the
segment onlineWe talked about Diastasis recti, of course