While I can't tell you exactly how long it takes because it is different for every body's type, the severity of your diastasis, your diet, and what workouts you do, what I can tell you is that you need HECK A LOT OF PATIENCE.
All the photos were taken while I was relaxed. The reason why I emphasis a lot on flexed vs relaxed on many of my posts is because my tummy can look quite different when I'm engaged.
By about 6 or 7 months postpartum, I could control my deep core muscles well, so when I flexed, my tummy could appear quite flat. However, when I am relaxed, you can still see my stomach coming out.
From time to time, I would beat myself down. I felt like I was deceiving myself the entire time. I felt like I had to engage my core my whole life to achieve that flat stomach look. I was consistent with my workout, I was good with my diet on the most part, and I was the lightest I have ever been, WHY DOES THIS MOM POOCH NOT GO AWAY?

Your Progression Is The Biggest Indicator To Your Healing
Even a few weeks ago, when I was talking with my physiotherapist, I told her I wanted to cry like this pooch is going to follow me for the rest of my life.
Here is the thing you have to remind yourself:
Progression is Powerful. Yes, the flat tummy and strong core are your end goals but don't discredit the progress you make along the way.
For example:
At 3 months postpartum,
There was NO WAY I COULD FLEX THE STOMACH. My core was jello, and it was extremely weak. So no matter how much I tried to flex, the belly would remain the same. ( you can see this video in my Instagram profile highlight 'DR')
At 5 months postpartum,
I had lost about 20 lbs, and my waist was several inches slimmer.
At 9 months postpartum,
I could engage my deep core muscles well, and my core was getting a lot stronger.
I have NO DOUBT that I am going to get to the end result, which is a flat stomach even when I don't flex, and a few packs would be nice! I am feeling a lot less bloated throughout the day, and I can feel a subtle change in the shape.
It's a matter of time. Your consistency, positive attitude and patience are going to pay off! Celebrate the small wins; treat yourself a pair of yoga pants!

Remember Mama, You have Created Miracles. Take Care of Yourself Is Just As Important as Taking Care of Your Children
This Princess is officially 1.5 years old in 2 days🙀. One good thing about having Jordan and Emily close in age gap is that we don't have to store away the older sibling's clothes 😂 because she can now wear her brother's 24 months. She is tall, and Jordan is a bit under average so it works out great!
Boys clothes are fine, it's Dan who wants to dress her up more girly than I do. I thought it was the opposite!
The one thing I told myself was..I never wanted Emily to see what I saw myself in the mirror last year - a mom who puts a facade. I COULD ACCEPT the fact I created and sustained two beautiful human beings, and if penguin-small-head-big-tummy was how I supposed to look, I could take it as fate.
I wanted my daughter to look at herself with confidence in her eyes, but how... when I struggled to.
Some women blame themselves for thinking how much they dislike their bodies when they have created miracles.
I say, if you dislike it then you dislike it, you can't hide your feelings. What's more important is WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? What are you going to do about it NOW, today?
You can show your kids that mommy really hates her body, but ROLE MODEL her how you will make changes by going on your fitness journey. You can TEACH her the difference you can make if you take a leap.
And I am so proud to take the first step last year because I know my daughter is well equipped. And if something were to happen she will face it and take the challenge.
No matter where you are at in your journey, I am right here with you. Check out your DR Recovery Blueprint so you start feeling the energy in you, feel confident in yourself, and become the person you want to be for your children.
Hi im veena 31 postpartum 8 months after 2nd delivery my DR is morey waist is 44 inches 1 month back I came to know I have umbilical hernia …I need to reduce the stomach as well as strong abdomin pls help me pls reply to my ma id
sorry for the late reply, but I am so glad you emailed me!
I was/am the same, have a Diastisis and had umbilical hernia. I had umbilical hernia surgery thinking and hoping it would help the Diastisis heal faster and I was so wrong. I will be 1 year pp with DR.
Hi Yvette, a lot of the time many moms think that surgery will fix everything, but the thing is that they still need to learn how to pressure manage, how to load the core correctly while exercise , and how to have the right alignment when working out. Otherwise, they may risk reopening it again. Feel free to email me if you have more questions. Beckychoi.fit@gmail.com